With the Heart of a Child
is about bringing people together.
It is about harnessing our individual
giftings and identities.
It is about a shared conversation,
and it is about children leading leaders.
. . and a PENGUIN . .
seven lifesize bronze children
one from every continent on Earth
(six children and a musical penguin)
simply dressed in soft silk tulle
hesitate in time,
leaning forward, hopeful,
poised to dive,
eyes closed, dreaming into their future,
anticipating things unseen:
a little child shall lead
trusting feet, plump and bare,
remind us of our duty of care
to life, to love, to planet Earth
they stand together, peacefully, as friends,
vulnerable and strong,
silently singing out to us
their call to change.

is prelude to a groundbreaking global initiative
A sculpture installation of
six life size bronze children and a penguin,
each piece representing one of our seven continents,
it calls us to unite,
and invites us collectively,
and with visceral response,
to consider the fragile future of planet Earth.

this captivating installation has been exhibited at
Churchill College, Cambridge University
July 2016
University of Cambridge Primary School
September 2016 - March 2017
HSBC global headquarters, Canary Wharf, London
March - April 2017
Musiceum Summit, Cambridge University
in partnership with the V&A Museum London
(Museum of Childhood), Fitzwilliam Museum
December 2017
M&G Group HQ, Governor's House, London EC4R 0HH
December 2017 - January 2018
Ralph Winter Gallery, Exeter
May 2018
Whitecross Street Party 2018, Barbican, London
Summer 2018

. . and a PENGUIN . .
The bronze children are available for sale,
signed, numbered and finished by hand, individually or together,
in a small limited edition.
The little bronze penguin is also available for sale in a small limited edition.
Signed, patinated and finished by hand, the feathers of each penguin may be played, carefully,
somewhat like a thumb piano, and every song is different.